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Office for audacity

The Of­fice for Au­da­city is an in­de­pend­ent and com­pet­ent con­duit for im­pact amp­li­fic­a­tion. We apply stra­tegic over­view and in­sider per­spect­ives:

To­geth­er, we com­bine ex­per­i­ence in the phil­an­throp­ic sec­tor and ex­pert­ise in build­ing, im­ple­ment­ing and op­er­a­tion­ally man­aging new or­gan­iz­a­tions and in­nov­at­ive pro­jects. We ask the right ques­tions, we listen and we solve press­ing prob­lems – our sup­port is tailored, prac­tice-ori­ented, ef­fect­ive.

Linda Sulzer

  • Expert in practice-relevant impact orientation
  • Proven skills in building new organizations and civil society movements
  • Extensive experience in the realm of foundations, pioneering projects, and collaborative innovation

Linda is a political scientist with a Master in Comparative and Swiss Politics from the University of Bern. She is co-founder of the political campaign organization Operation Libero, was involved in setting up the think tank foraus (now on the board) and has informally accompanied various other social initiatives in their development. 

After setting up a continued education center at ETH Zurich under former State Secretary Michael Ambühl, she moved into the funding landscape in 2018. She worked for several years at the Migros Pioneer Fund as theme owner for collaborative innovation. Subsequently, she developed the new funding strategy for Democracy at Stiftung Mercator Switzerland. In her professional career, Linda has met, evaluated and accompanied various pioneer projects. As an expert on the topic of impact orientation, she contributed significantly to the book "from 0 to 100". She is well connected in the philanthropic sector and in the world of social innovation projects and knows their language, challenges and pain points.


Niniane Päffgen

  • Interdisciplinary experience at the intersection of politics, business, and society with a specialization in digital ethics
  • Strategic and operational skills in leading and building new organizations
  • Political and communication expertise (incl. public speaking and event moderation)

Niniane studied International Affairs and Governance at the University of St. Gallen, SciencesPo Paris and wrote her Master's thesis at the American University of Beirut. 

After positions at the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris and the UN Security Council in New York, she spent three years establishing and managing the Swiss Digital Initiative Foundation for Digital Ethics, which is chaired by former Federal Councilor Doris Leuthard. In this role, she drove the development and launch of the world's first label for digital responsibility (Digital Trust Label). The label was launched in 2022 at the World Economic Forum in Davos. As a result, Niniane has first hand experience about putting a moonshot project into practice and what it takes: courage, resilience, the right support and sparring partners.
