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Our Approach

The Of­fice for Au­da­city is the ex­tern­al re­source and ex­pert­ise for phil­an­throp­ic or­gan­iz­a­tions and vis­ion­ar­ies aim­ing to break new ground - tailored, prac­tice-ori­ented and ef­fect­ive.

We are al­lies for an ef­fi­cient and cour­ageous phil­an­thropy that achieves max­im­um im­pact.

Our offerings include

Strategic Development

We provide an overview of contemporary grantmaking approaches, their requirements and suitability and offer a hand in piloting suitable processes.

For more creative options, pioneering spirit and the courage to change.


We develop and support funding processes that actively include the perspectives of all relevant stakeholders - be it in the definition of the funding focus, the development of a "call for projects" or the selection of the new parter projects.

For more eye level, insight and foresight. 


Whether it's at the level of the exchange of interests, grantmaking or the implementation of reportings - we support and moderate the development and realization of cross-foundation cooperation.

For more network, coordination and joining forces.

Impact Orientation

We offer a practical strategic orientation that focuses on the Why of the entire organization as well as each individual.

For more self-efficacy, goal orientation and confidence in one's own actions.

Incubation Program

We empower groups of new projects by bringing them together and providing them with practical know-how for the start-up phase. For more networking, motivation and drive for young, daring projects.

For more collaboration, motivation and drive for bold projects.
#BeyondFunding #MoreThanFunding